2021 Archived Page
Getting Ready for the Barbecue on Saturday.
If you are coming, please send me an email before noon this Wednesday so that we will have an idea of how many we will need to cater for.
We will meet at Camp Veselka at 2pm on Saturday 2nd October. (4th Line North of Acton)

Park Entry Fee will be $20 per person.
Food will be an additional cost
Please bring your own refreshments.
Club Members and their spouses and friends are welcome.
Dogs must be on a leash.
Follow Covid restrictions.
Brian and Sheldon will be giving casting lessons and demos,so bring your rod and reel along.
You can also try to catch a bass or two in the pond.

Sunday the 29th August 2021
We will be fishing the Grand River at the Brant Conservation area.
Meet at noon at the Pay Gate Parking lot.
There is a daily parking fee to be paid at the gate.
Adult: $6.64 Seniors: $5.31
Bring refreshments and a snack, 5 or 6 wt. rod with wooly buggers or size 14 nymphs.
After a day fishing we will meet up at Legends Taphouse and Grill around 7pm for refreshments and supper.
This is the video from our last Club Zoom Meting with Sheldon Seale:
Ryan shows his dexterity, patience and technique as he hand ties a Blue Charm.
We are so proud to have Jim present this session. He is a past president of the Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club and has continued his mentorship over the past 30+ years.
His passion for the club shows.
In this video he explains how his enthusiasm for fly tying incorporates the use of fluorescent materials.
The So Fly Crew puts out a special episode about the Credit River in Southern Ontario, and specifically, the fight to save the West branch from a proposed wastewater treatment plant. The crew sat and spoke with advocates John Monczka and Dean Latham to hear all about their battle to protect the river.
Next Online Meeting on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7:30 pm:
(Check your club email for login information).

Silvia’s recent video recorded on 20th April 2021.
Silvia D’Amelio is not only the CEO of Trout Unlimited (Canada), but is also an expert fly tyer.
In this video:
I min: Tips on fishing a wet fly.
11mins 24 secs: Tying the Partridge and Orange.
25 mins 35 secs: Tying her hubby’s fly, The Little Greeno.
Silvia D’Amelio will be tying a selection of her favorite wet flies.
Here is the video from our last Club Zoom meeting.
Backgrounder on So Fly podcaster crew with overviews of fly fishing both in Ontario and Tobago.
Advice on lodgings and equipment with illustrated banter. This was a Zoom presentation to the Club on 6th April 2021.

Here’s the video from our last meeting with Paul Manuel:
At our next online Zoom Meeting on Tuesday 16th March at 7:30 pm Paul Manuel will be discussing “Antique Reel Collecting”.
Paul also has first hand knowledge of split cane fly rod construction. (See your latest Club email for the link information).
“Conversations on Conservation” with Silvia D’Amelio.
Silvia is the Chief Executive Officer of Trout Unlimited (Canada).
In this presentation she discusses the roles of T. U. (Canada) in the backdrop of environmental uncertainties. Her insights and knowledge base are eloquently demonstrated. Her unification strategies should be emulated throughout Canada. Sit back and hear one of Canada’s top environmental pioneers.
We were so enthralled to have Sheldon present again at this Zoom encounter of the Izaak Walton fly Fishing Club on the 2nd March 2021.
Here is a timeline for the video:
B-Cubed Fly Body: 2min 30 secs.
XT Body: 15 mins 12 secs.
Single Feather Extended Body: 29 mins 50 secs.
Squirmy Wormy: 38 mins 52 secs.
and a bonus review of this knot-The Canoe Man Knot: 45 mins 22 secs

Protect our special waters, especially the West Credit River. This is today’s Press Release:
Feel free to spread the word by forwarding this press release.

“Some fly tyers have decided to host tying seminars to raise funds for conservation. We would greatly appreciate it if you could send this around to the club for those interested.
Anyone can join a seminar by making a (tax receipt) donation through that seminar page. Also, anyone can create their own fundraising page and host a seminar! Thank you so much for your help in getting the word out. The details are below
I’m hosting the first seminar on February 17th (next week!), here’s the link to my page
thanks again for your help!”

The video was produced through Zoom conference in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. It has obvious limited video quality; but it does clearly show the unforgettable character of a world famous fly tying innovator. Enjoy.

Ken Cowling deserves our attention and support:
Here is Jack’s recent Club presentation:
Here is Rob Cesta’s great presentation on sinking tips (recorded on 1st December 2020.

Here is an update on the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant.
This is the edited video from our last Zoom Meeting with Chris Krysciak, from Drift Outfitters.
The video and sound are somewhat compromised by the Zoom quality, but you can admire the dexterity and knowledge that Chris offers here.
There is an additional footage inserted on a fish’s vision that is enlightening. Enjoy:
Tight line nymphing tips and equipment advice from internationally competitive Canadian experts Ivo Balinov and Ciprian Rafan.
Recorded from last week’s online Zoom meeting.
Topic: Chris Krysciak
Time: Nov 17, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
*See your recent Club email for the Zoom Meeting link.*
It is with sadness that we are reporting the death of one of our Club Founders, Peter Hurst.
If you look closely at the picture of him fishing the Saugeen, you might spot his good friend Emily, the racoon, on his shoulder.
Check your most recent Club email for more information on the next Zoom meeting on Tuesday 10th November at 7:30.
Ivo Balinov
will discuss,
Cutting Edge Equipment and Tactics.
Ivo has been fishing for over 35 years. His experience covers North America, Europe and the Caribbean.
He is an experienced instructor who has helped countless people with their first steps into fly fishing while also coaching many advanced anglers, including several national champions of Canada as well as members of Canada’s National Youth Team.
He himself has learned from some of the world’s very best competition anglers from the Czech Republic, Spain and the UK.
Always curious to explore new techniques, Ivo started European nymphing more than 15 years ago, at a time when these techniques were virtually unknown in Canada. Subsequently he introduced many others to these productive ways of fishing through organised classes and informal encounters on the water.
Be sure to join us and have some questions for Ivo.
This Sunday’s meeting at Camp Veselka has been postponed, due to pandemic precautions.
I know this is a pain, but we value our members’ safety and health.

Upcoming Online Zoom Meeting:
Ian has a passion for competitive angling and coached the first and only all women team to compete in the Canadian National Championships. Ian is the former Canadian National Vice champion and current member of Team Canada, having the honour to represent Canada internationally, including Team Canada’s first ever Gold Medal performance at the 2016 Commonwealth championships with Silver the following year, most recently taking top Canadian rod at the World Fly Fishing championships in Tasmania.
Ian is on the pro-staff for the Franklin Club and was certified as an FFF Fly Casting instructor in 2008.
If you want to join us on Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 07:30 PM just click on this link on the 16th at 7:30pm
You may be asked to enter this passcode: 100111
If you would prefer to use your cell phone, dial either of these numbers and you may be asked for the passcode above.
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
You may remember Robert Reid and Wesley Bates. They gave a preamble of their new publication “Casting into Mystery” at our club in 2019.
Their warmth and enthusiasm has been recognised in publication by Porcupine’s Quill.
Please feel free to grab a copy of their book in support of their artistic, insightful work
Their book is now available on Amazon here.
Here is the link to the petition to save the Brookies in the West Credit::
Submission on the proposed Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Here is more information on the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant in Erin: Stop the Insanity
Below is a link to some valuable information on the proposed Erin Waste Water Treatment Plant.
The headwaters of the Credit River and the communities downstream should be aware of the dire consequences if this becomes a reality (Belfountain, Inglewood, Caledon, Boston Mills, Ferndale, Cheltenham, Terra Cotta, Georgetown, Norval, Meadowvale, Streetsville, Erindale, Port Credit and Mississauga).
If this plan is not stopped in its tracks all these communities will spend millions in future mitigation and remediation costs.
Is it better to have action to prevent this plant becoming reality, or should we complacently be inactive?
Let us all look for an alternative plan that will conserve the Forks of the Credit and its valued environs.
If you want to help, consider signing this petition.
Reassuring update from the Chief Finance officer in Caledon:
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ] Dear Mr. Troupe, Thank you for your email. I hope you are doing well in these unprecedented times. The Town’s Emergency Operations Centre implemented additional parking and stopping restrictions in the area in response to COVID-19 pandemic-related State of Emergency declared by the Province, Provincial Emergency Orders, emergency declarations by the Town of Caledon and the Region of Peel, and concerns (including physical distancing, litter concerns), received by area residents and councillors. Over the past couple of days, I have received a high volume of emails similar to your email below and will consult again at the Town’s Emergency Operations Centre and with the councillors for the area. Subject to their direction, the signage in the area will remain unchanged until parks/conservation space in the area are open or until the Provincial State of Emergency is lifted. It is unfortunate that this may cause an inconvenience to you, however, if you can enjoy your leisure activity in compliance with all of the Provincial Emergency Orders and advice from health officials, alternatives available to you are to: – arrange for someone to drop you off and pick you up; or – find an area where parking is permitted (that may not be as nearby as you are used to) and walk if it is safe to do so. Whether you are a driver or pedestrian in the area, please be mindful of all users of the roadway and please keep safe. Best regards, Fuwing Wong General Manager/Chief Financial Officer Finance and Infrastructure Services.[/dropshadowbox]
It appears that the TEMPORARY parking restrictions along the Forks of the Credit Rd are going to remain PERMANENTLY!!!!
On behalf of our Club I have sent the following request:
(Please feel free to paste and copy this to anyone who might be able to advocate removal of these parking restrictions).
As a senior executive of the Board of the Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club, I would appreciate some information on the restricted parking along the Forks of the Credit Rd.
We understand that there was a TEMPORARY ban along the road imposed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
We believe that this parking restriction has now been extended indefinitely; this is causing consternation among many civil groups, including us. For half a century we have advocated for and financed conservation efforts in riparian watersheds.
In return we have enjoyed the fruits of careful management.
The parking restrictions have placed a severe limitation on anglers, hikers, artists, and families.
Would you be so kind as to convey our utmost concern on these restrictive measures, and would you please provide me with the names and titles of the involved counsellors to enable us to lobby and mount a vigorous campaign to reverse these draconian restrictions.
You have one of the most beautiful environments in Ontario; we will continue to advocate for responsible access for all Ontarians.
We look forward to your response.
With Utmost Sincerity,
David Williams
Bonnie’s Brown Trout
The fish of a lifetime. Full length video of the battle to land a big brown on the Grand river, Ontario.
Only a fly fisher will appreciate the whole length of this video. Bonnie’s cool demeanor belies the adrenaline rush that she experienced; her biggest fish to date.

Stonefly Pattern:Try casting this to the river bank rocks, as this is where the nymphs crawl to shed their nymphal skin before turning into an adult.
Here is a weighted variation of the March Brown:
Chris landed this super steelhead using a crayfish pattern this week.
Restricted Access to Forks of the Credit at McLaughlin Rd.
Please be aware that the Forks of the Credit is closed in perpetuity to fishing at the McLaughlin Road’s easterly access. The owner has taken down the booth that you see on the google map here: https://www.google.ca/…/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxN0nxLtuLha_8RW…
You can still fish upstream heading west.