The Forum: A meeting with a difference.
The Last Word: Cec. Swannell.
Troutin and Trottinin the Ozarks: Joan Whitlock.
Bucktail and Streamers for Trophy-Sized Browns: Ken Robbins.
How Lucky can you Get: Greg. Clark.
Taking Difficult Trout: Phil Kettle.
Selecting a Fly-Fishing Outfit: Lefty Kreh.
Pre-Season Maintenance: Phil Kettle.
The Quiet Largemouths: Richard Hoffman.
To Use a Net to Help a Trout: Larry Solomon.
The Trout and Its Environs: Jack Imhof.
Cape Breton: Elliott Deighton.
January Fishing: Ruth J. Zinck.
Backswimmer and Olive Mayfly Nymph: Ted Knot.
Your Leader and Select the Right Ones for You: Norm Thompson.