Update Monday 30th November.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 1st DEC at 7:30 at The Carmen Corbasson Community Centre.

Dimitri Ristic will tie the Cosseboom Special Salmon Fly.


Update Friday 13th November.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 17th November at 7:30 at The Carmen Corbasson Community Centre.
I will be showing a 30 min video that I took at Rapids Camp Lodge in Alaska, in 2010. 
If you have never been to Alaska to fish this video will make you drool. So bring a face towel, and a friend.


Update Tuesday, 3rd November.

The results are in for the

Iron Fly Tyer

The winning fly was tied by Chris Day.


Thanks to Carl for supplying the meager materials!….For more details: see this post


Update 19th Oct, 2015

Volunteers are needed for two spawning surveys on the upper Credit River cited in the links below.  One is on Silver Creek; the other the main river at Charleston Sideroad.  Sometimes, multiple sites are done from any given meeting place.  Both are brook trout monitoring studies.
Credit Valley Conservation prefers attendees to register ahead of time so that they can contact folks in case of cancellation due to unfavourable conditions.
If you are interested in helping out have a look at these two links:


Next Meeting on Tuesday 20th October, 2015

The presenter on the club night will be Mack Beacon.  
Mack was one of the first junior members the club had back in the last millennium, and has stayed active in fly fishing with his association with the “Hackle House” for a number of years and has recently spent a great deal of time studying the Mayfly’s of Bronte Creek and the Credit and Grand rivers.  
His presentation will be about the significant hatches on these waters.
We will also be electing a new Club President.
Volunteers are needed for audiovisual organisation at the fly tying evenings, and a program convener.
We are also looking for volunteers for the next Spring venture with the Ted Knott Chapter of Trout Unlimited


8th October, 2015

Sheldon Seale demonstrated some of his favorite fly patterns at our last club meet on the 6th October.For a synopsis see the latest post at:

We were introduced to Rob Cesta and wish him all the best at his fly fishing store at 199 Queen St. East: http://www.driftoutfitters.com/

Also note that membership renewals are due and can be paid….here


9th July, 2015

See You this Sunday for the The Bassin Bash

This Sunday the 12th July we will be meeting at the York Park at 11 am for a day of bass fishing. Bring a packed lunch and your buddies.

Rob and Tama Clarke, of Clarke’s Custom Flies, have kindly agreed to be there to give us some tips on the area and on suitable patterns that have proven successful. 
Please note that the river flow is a little high at the moment, but if we have no further downpours it should be fishable by Sunday.
You can see the up to date flow rates at:
Note that York is represented by the orange band.
Credit Valley Conservation
On Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Credit Valley Conservation will be holding a “Check Your Watershed” event at the Terra Cotta Conservation Area – Watershed Learning Centre, Halton Hills.

You can volunteer your time and get to take part in this invaluable research.

For more information, here is the link.


Sad News.

Ian Colin James

29th June, 2015


The life span of a mayfly.
The humorous quip.
The perfectly fly casted loop.
The fly snatched away by a wary trout.
The fading memories of waded rivers.
The salty tear.
There is nothing ephemeral about Ian Colin James. His wit, his aplomb, his wisdom, his writings, his teachings, his honesty, his students, his guile.
As the rains fell and as the waters of the Grand River rose to a torrent yesterday, Ian passed into eternity.
It wasn’t an overdose of epoxy either.
It wasn’t the daily melee of Brassy Asses that he tied.
It wasn’t the losses of the Scottish Rugby team.
It was just his time, and none of us expected it.
Ian, we will miss you every day of our own ephemeral lives.


Update 23rd June, 2015

We had a great time at the 3rd Annual Grand River Outing, and if you would like summary, click on the link.

Bass season opens this Saturday, and to begin the season we will be holding an informal, fun, IWFFC Bassin’ Bash on Sunday 12th July. 

If you would like to join in on the event, bring all your gear, a lunch, and your favorite bass lures.

We will meet at 11 am at the parking lot in York Park, on the lower Grand on highway 54.

York Ontario

York Park

Bring your cameras, and bring a friend. Please check the weather and river flows before the event.


Update 2nd June, 2015

Bring Back the Brookies.

Brook trout

IWFFC is a funding and participating partner in the five-year Upper Credit Conservation Area Brook Trout Habitat Restoration Plan (a.k.a. “Bringing Back Brookies”).  The project is designed to improve aquatic habitat for brook trout, as well as shoreline vegetation on a several hundred metre-long reach of the Upper Credit River where brook trout populations have declined.  Other partners in the project are:  The Greg Clark Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada (the lead partner), Credit Valley Conservation, The Upper Credit Trout Club and Halton Peel Woodlands and Wildlife Stewardship.

IWFFC has been involved in tree planting efforts in this area (formerly known as the “Safari Property”) for many years; it was also included in the extensive Upper Credit Rehabilitation Initiative (“UCRRI”) program from 2001-2003, of which IWFFC was a major partner.

Volunteers are needed for a number of workdays, which are listed below.  This and additional information can be found on the GCC-TUC website at https://sites.google.com/site/tucgregclark/events.  It is important that the club have a presence in this multi-faceted program, and we hope that you can come.  If you can come for a workday, please register so that you can be contacted in the chance of any cancellation or postponement.  Thanks very much.

All workdays will take place at the Upper Credit Conservation Area in Alton.  Please contact us attu.gregclark@gmail.com or join the event on our Facebook Events page.


Electrofishing survey volunteers needed.

Volunteers are needed on the electrofishing schedule for the Credit River. If you are interested in helping out you can find more information here:


Please pre-register for any of the events by emailing: pbird@creditvalleyca.ca


Update: 7th May, 2015

A quick word of warning to any of you fishing Whitemans Creek.

There have been a lot of new Non-Parking signs erected on Robinson Side Rd off Hwy 24.

For those of you able to find a parking spot, you will be pleased to hear that there was a great Hendrickson Hatch on Whitemans Creek this week.

Here is a short  2 minute clip. The last section shows the hatch. Hit the full screen button to see more detail.

Update: 2nd May, 2015

The final Club Meeting will be on Tuesday 5th May at Carmen Corbasson Community  Center.

Our own Sean Deighton will demonstrate some of his favorite fly patterns. Prospective new members are welcome to attend. Present members are encouraged to bring their own vises to tie along with Sean.


Update: 24th April, 2015

IWFFC Annual Grand River Trip
(June 9-10, 2015)Izaak Walton on the Grand Logo
Join us for this great event………more


Update: 19th April, 2015

Dan Berry – 1952-2015 

Dan Berry, the creator of the Dan’s Turkey Tail Emerger, passed away in Memphis, TN, on April 15th, he was 63. Dan grew up on the banks of the White River in Arkansas, where he became one of the best guides on the river. He developed quite a few patterns, with his Dan’s Turkey Tail Emerger (DTTE) being the most famous. How good is the pattern? It’s brilliant!  Read more about the fly and Dan Berry …..here.


Update: 14th April, 2015

Next Club Meeting will be at 7:30 pm on  Tuesday 21st April, when Sheldon Seale will present a dialogue on “Essentials for the Trout Opening Season”.


Update: 9th April, 2015

Thanks to everyone who came to the last meeting on the 7th April.

The winner of the evening was Chris Day for his “totally hemp” sculpin fly. Congratulations Chris.


Now the challenge has been made, you can try your hand at designing and fishing a fly made only with hemp. If you feel confident in your skills try submitting your creation to us, and you may win  a free fly tying session mentored by Ian Colin James. For full information and rules see our page at:



The challenge is open to non club members also. See if you can beat some of our club’s most expert fly tyers.


The Recent Club Meeting on 17th March, 2015

Thanks to Henry Frania for his dissertation on the mysteries around the disappearing populations of Green Drakes in S.W. Ontario.

Henry updated us on his studies, in which he highlighted the effect of temperature and climate changes, river flow rates, toxicology, and possible biological contamination. There does not appear to be a simple answer to the reduced populations, but Henry continues to study this phenomenon. There will be more intriguing information available in the coming years.



Update: 6th March, 2015

Bring your kids, all your buddies and aspiring new members to Elliot’s Casting Clinic this Sunday 8th March, at 10 am at the gymnasium at the Carmen Corbasson Community Centre.
Bring your rod and reel, but no hooks!
And remember that the clocks go forward an hour Sunday morning, so don’t be showing up an hour after the event!
There will be a $5 fee to defray the gym rental.

Update: 5th March, 2015

Henry Frania will present at our March 17th club meeting.

The topic will beThe decline of the Green Drake mayfly on the Credit River and other trout streams in south-central Ontario.

Update: 14th February, 2015

The next Club Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 3rd when Chris Day will tie salmon and Steelie Flies.

Also remember to contact Sheldon Seale if you want to go on the First Ice Fishing Outing this Sunday, 1st March.

Update: 14th February, 2015

Elliott will be hosting a casting clinic:

Casting Clinic

Sunday, March 8th: 2015

Time 10am to noon

Come and refine your fly casting finesse at our first tune up session of the season in the gym on the first floor in the Carmen Corbasson Community Centre, 1399 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON L5J 4L1, Canada

There will be a $5.00 admission to offset the gym rental

Get to learn tips on setup and casting.

Bring your tackle, and bring a friend. Newcomers are welcome.

A few rods will be on hand for your use.


Update: 14th February, 2015

  • They say that “Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it”…….. Well, not in our case! The Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club was created in 1971 and has a rich and proud history. And it’s incumbent on all of us to know and appreciate the club’s history with the intention to deliberately repeat it. To that end, we’ve selected over 100 archival photos and invited four of our most senior members to take us on a trip down memory lane. Peter HurstCecil SwannellElliott DeightonBill Christmas … have agreed to be our panelists to discuss the club’s past and share some of its most treasured stories, events, and personalities. There will be NO PowerPoint presentation on this night. Instead, we have an entire carousel of Kodacolor slides complete with projector! There will also be a special guest appearance by long-time biologist Jack Imhof. So put on your leisure suits, pull out your favourite pipe, and don’t miss our Izaak Walton Retro Night on Tuesday, February 17 at the Carmen Corbasson Community Centre, 1399 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON L5J 4L1, Canada The show begins at 7:30.


Update: 5th February, 2015

Thanks to Gary Baldackin for his demonstrated prowess on his top six still water fly patterns, at our last club meeting.

We have a new section on the web page for upcoming club outings; just click on the TRIPS menu item above.

Be prepared….the next meeting will be a trip down nostalgia lane, featuring some of our club founders…that will be on the 17th February; so keep that evening free.


January 2015 Update

( 27th January,2015 )

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday the 3rd February

Guest Fly tier Gary Baldackin will be demonstrating Franklin Club flies that really work.

For directions to the club click….. here.


( 14th January )

The next meeting will be  on the 20th January at 7:30 pm, when Brian LeDuke will discuss fly fishing on ice. Bring your sharpened skates and your goalie pads as you won’t want to miss any of his hot shot advice. For directions to the club meeting click….. here.


December 2014 Update

( 18th December )

******Another wonderful year of companionship for the IWFFC.******

At the last meeting on the 16th December, our new President, Ray Desilets outlined his personal mandates for the club for his upcoming term; the main focus being membership recruitment and more outdoor activities.

Carl Johnston reviewed the finances.

The Club recognised Elliott Deighton for his exemplary and protracted term as Past President. He was awarded verbal and Bacchanalian accolades which were trumped by a Lifetime Membership. We cannot thank Elliott enough for his wonderful term of office and look forward to the freedom of expression that he will be able to give the Club, now that he is a free man.

As a final salute from office, Elliott has sent this handmade seasonal greeting:



(14th December )

A sad note that was received from Sheldon this weekend:

It is with some regret I must pass on the very sad news that Dr. Denny Toffolo, a fellow fly angler, has passed away. Denny would be known to many of the old timers at the IWFFC. 

 “Dr. Denny Toffolo passed away today at the age of 59. Please pass along to others in the fly fishing community. Arrangements will be announced in the Hamilton Spectator soon.”

Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, 16th December at 7:30pm.
For a seasonal celebration.
Bring some munchable goodies and/or drinks to share with the other club members.
The highlight of the evening will be a raffle for one of Len Yust’s split cane rods.
Len died in March 2014 and left this rod for the club.
The Christmas rod draw is for a 7 ft bamboo rod in a 4-5 weight. It is two piece and has no name. It comes in an Orvis tube, but it is NOT an Orvis rod and has a new burgundy rod sock. The cork handle looks new as does the reel seat. Obviously the rod has had some work but it is a very fine fishing rod with the cane strips tight, straight and true.



Here is a special deal from Boris at Frosty Flies

Hello Ray, I really enjoyed meeting you and the rest of the club members on Tuesday.To thank your club, I have set up a special discount for the members of Izaak Walton FF club. It is a 20% off for all fly tying materials and all fly sets! The coupon is valid for online http://frostyfly.com purchases until Dec 25, 2014. There are no minimums. To use the coupon, when in cart, enter coupon code ‘IWFFC’ and hit ‘Apply’ button. It is valid for all products from ‘Fly Tying’ and ‘Flies’ categories. Looking forward to visiting IWFFC in the future.Thanks again and all the best, Boris


(2nd December, 2014)

Thanks to Dimitri Ristic for his demo on stoneflies.


November 2014 Update

(29th November, 2014)

IWFFC Cheque Presentation to the Ted Knott Trout Unlimited Chapter


(26th November, 2014)

‘New’ Old World techniques come to the Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club fly tying meeting on Tuesday, December 2nd.

Long time club member Dimitri Ristic spent several weeks in the old country this fall and came back a new man. Well…, actually he came back a new fly tyer feeling like a new fly fisherman. Dimitri was pleasantly surprised and equally impressed with the new fly tying materials and techniques being used in Europe these days. Lucky for us, he and his special guest are willing to share some of this new old world knowledge and techniques using the stonefly as a subject.

Dimitri will begin by describing the life cycle of the stonefly. Next, his special guest Boris will discuss the new fly tying materials that are all the rage in Europe and coming soon to fly shops in North America. And finally, Dimitri will show us how to apply these new materials and techniques to tie a stonefly. If time permits, he will also tie a mayfly nymph.

You won’t want to miss this session. So join us on Tuesday at 7:30 PM for a great evening of 21st century fly tying, camaraderie and fun.
A great big thank you to our retiring president: Elliott, you have carried the torch with aplomb, humor and unswerving dedication. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and look forward to welcoming you back to the ranks of common-membership-hood. (Once you have finished Vicehood, that is!!!).

(20th November, 2014)

An update from Elliott:

On Tuesday, The Club elections went well, with the following positions being filled.

Ron VanderKleyn is taking over camera and projector duties.

The position of Program Chair has yet to be filled but Bill Spicer has offered to help anyone who takes over the job with access to his extensive contact list of speakers and demonstrators.

And last and certainly the best, Ray Desilets is now the IWFFC newly acclaimed President. Toronto City Council’s loss is the IWFFC’s gain for sure. Thank you Ray.

Yours truly will be staying on as VP for a year to help Ray get acclimatized and settled into his new role. Then I will be officially out to pasture or the stud farm. Woo whoo!


(13th November, 2014)

The next club meeting will be on Tuesday the 18th November at 7:30.
This will be an important meeting to attend as there will be discussions around future Club format.
Elliott is still hoping to pass the chalice to a future club president, however it may be just as feasible to share duties in the higher ranks. So come along and add your penny’s worth.
This will also be a swap meet, so bring along anything you wish to swap and/or sell.

October 2014 Update

(15th Oct.2014)

On to our next meeting, Tuesday October 21st we will be having Bill Spicer, host of the New Fly Fisher who will be giving a presentation on Fly Fishing Opportunities in Algoma Country with do it yourself trips as well as fly in lodges. 

October 2014 Update

(13th Oct.2014)

Please help support the continued monitoring of spawning activity in the Upper Credit.  Sites have specifically been chosen to coincide with TU  membership interest including the Forks, Hwy 24 and the Upper Credit Conservation Area. 

Volunteers are needed to help with Brook Trout spawning surveys in the Upper Credit. Volunteers will be sent out to a number of locations with an experienced group leader to map where Brook Trout are spawning. Please bring snacks, water and appropriate clothing for the weather. If you don’t have your own chest waders and polarized sunglasses, they will be supplied.

Sign up at the links below.

Saturday, November 1, 2014,  9 am to noon

Credit River at Forks of the Credit (Dominion Street)


Sunday, October 26, 2014,  9 am – noon

Credit River at Hwy 24 (Charleston Sideroad)


Sept 2014 Updates
(18th Sept)
Welcome back to the Fall Season.
The first Fall meeting occurred on the 16th September and incorporated the Annual General Meeting.
June 2014 Updates
( 10th June )
The Second Annual Grand River Trip was a resounding whack of fun. Even the weatherman cooperated.
Here is the…….. full post of the event…….
May 2014 Updates
( 27th May )
Second Annual Grand River Trip
Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th June.
Meet at Wilson’s Fly Shop in Fergus at 9 am, on Tuesday the 3rd
Rob Heal will give advice on recommendations and conditions on the Grand River
( 10th May )

A request from club member, Jim Perry:

If you are free, and have the expertise, we are looking for a few club members to volunteer at the Highpoint Scout Meeting, near Orangeville , on the 31st May to demonstrate casting and fly tying.

Lunch will be provided. For further info contact jim at: jimtperry@hotmail.com. More info is also posted……….here


Tuesday May 6th, will be our last meeting night for the season at the Cawthra Community Centre until September. This meeting Carl Johnston will be demonstrating woven nymphs and especially stoneflies. Having seen Carl’s stoneflies in one of our previous fly swaps I can guarantee everyone will be in for a “treasure” of fly tying demonstration from Carl.

This meeting will also be a swap meet, so bring along any gear that you wish to barter.

A reminder that membership dues are now due at $35 for the year and can be paid at a meeting, mailed to the IWFFC mailing address listed on the website, or via paypal from the membership page:


( 10th April, 2014 )
Here is the schedule for conservation and fun days from Pat Kelly:
IWFFC 2014 Activities


( 6th April,2014 )

Wowsa; so much to report…..

Thanks to Bob Kuehnbaum for his insights into his favorite flies for the Upper Credit.

For more on his presentation go…….. here.

The Second Annual Grand River Trip is now planned for Tuesday 3rd, and Wednesday 4th June.
Thanks once again to Peter Lore for heading this event.

For full information go……… here.

Last Wednesday, the Stratford members of our club visited the Forest City Fly Fishing Club in London, Ontario to hear  our Pres, Elliott give an in depth demonstration of his foam bass and tarpon flies; you can see his patterns ….here.

and for our final two meetings before the open season…read on……..

On Tuesday April 15th, Rick Whorwood will be giving a talk on single handed fly lines.

As a full time Guide & Casting Instructor, Rick is one of only two Master Single Hand and Two Hand Casting Instructors with the International Federation of Fly Fishers in Ontario. He has spent many years teaching the art of fly-casting by providing casting courses to novices and experts alike.

As a member of the IFFF Guide Association, Rick has developed his guiding skills “first hand” by spending time with outfitters, guides and fishing shops local & International. Rick’s Fly Fishing and Fly Casting business specializes in walk & wade, as well as drifting many of the rivers in southern Ontario.

I wish you all tight lines this spring.

Elliott Deighton

IWFFC president


March, 2014 Updates

( 29th March, 2014 )

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Len Yust early this morning March 28th. Len had been battling cancer for several months now and passed away where he wanted to, at home with his loving wife Jennifer.
As many of you know, Len was a long time member and advocate of Trout Unlimited. His eight years plus tenure as TU’s Ontario Director boosted the awareness for river and water quality improvement to a level previously unknown in the province. Len worked tirelessly forming new Chapters in Ontario as well as fund raising for the Trout Unlimited Dinner each Fall as well as other TU fund raising events Len ran throughout the rest of the year.
Len received the IWFFC’s Roderick Haig-Brown Award for conservation at the Forum banquet which was presented to him by his long time friend Bill Christmas. Bill had asked me for the honour of presenting the award to Len and we could think of no finer presenter.
Len was humble, kindhearted and generous to a fault and will be missed on so many levels by so many people.
Next IWFFC Meeting Tuesday April 1st @ 7:30pm
Bob Kuehnbaum will be our guest fly tier for the evening. Bob will be demonstrating “SOME” of his favourite Upper Credit River trout flies.
And for the beginners, good news as the Deighton garage door has thawed out enough that we can get at the Club’s tying materials and equipment.
That’s it for now, some of you I’m sure to see twice on Tuesday.

( 26th March, 2014 )

Thanks to Jim Elie for his discussions on collectible split cane rods, at the last meeting.

We have started to get some responses to the MNR ‘s proposed plans to effect changes to the Credit River and S-W Ontario watersheds; please we urge you to also have your say. We have some recent comments on our posting at:


There is a vigorous thread about the proposed changes at:


Please let your feelings be known in order to ensure that the sport fishing that we enjoy is not adversely affected for future generations. We do have a voice; make sure it is heard, loud and clear.

As a reminder, you can find the MNR’s proposals here:

Credit River Fish Community Objectives | Credit River Fisheries Management Plan |


(14th March, 2014)

Our next meeting, on Tuesday 18th March, will showcase Jim Elie, discussing antique and collectible fly fishing equipment.

Don’t forget to update your annual membership….bring a $35 cheque, real lolly, or a fatted calf to the next meeting.


February 2014 Updates

(25th February, 2014)

Our March 4th Club presentation will be done by Tama and Rob Clarke of Clarkes custom flies.  The Clarkes’ most recently did a presentation at Wilson’s Fergus and were our key showcase tyers at the Sportsmen show and forum for many years. Their presentation will be about bucktails and how they’re used in a variety of  patterns.

See you all at 7:30pm


(February 16th, 2014)

We urge you all to read the following links and to respond personally to the Ministry in order to preserve the quality of our fly fishing resources in the Credit River, and S.W. Ontario. The plan as it stands will have huge impacts on  future sustainability. Only by voicing our opinions will we have any impact. Silence is not an option; do your bit, write personally, and also spread the word about the proposed changes.

| Credit River Fish Community Objectives | Credit River Fisheries Management Plan |

Our  Club’s response , submitted this month, can be seen here:

| IWFFC Response |


(February 12th, 2014)

2014 Sportsman Show Recap

For those of you who didn’t make it down the Sportsmen Show this year it was last weekend. The Izaak Walton Hall was located on the west most wall tucked in behind Tent City and adjacent to the air gun and archery ranges. Not the best location we have had, as we didn’t seem to have as much foot traffic as last year.

We sold 2 new Memberships, welcome Alex, Sarah and Paolo.

We had 2 renewal, sold 2 DVD’s, a hat and 17 posters.

The kids tying was pretty slow Thursday and Friday, but Saturday and Sunday were busy, we had over 130 flies tied and the donations were almost $190.

We had a number of Showcase tyers I like to thank for their time and effort:

Rob and Tama Clarke

Elliott Deighton

Sean Deighton

Christopher Krysciak

Terry Allen

William Gerrard

Their craftsmanship really added some panache and professionalism to our booth

The casting lanes was again managed by Derek Giles and Warwick Meadus, they were able to put together a great variety of presenters who were demonstrating a wide array of techniques and tips. Our thanks goes to:

Mike Verhoef

Silvia D’Amelio

John Cleveland

Ken Collins

Brian Primeau

Rick Whorwood

Doug Swift

Marty Tannahill

 And Finally I’d like to thank all the volunteers who supported the club booth and kids tye:

Ron and Mary Van der Kleyn

Val Spring

John Mehecth

Peter Lore

Joel Hartling

Bob Kuehnbaum

Ray Desilet

Allan Smith

Pat Kelly

Dimitri Ristic,

George Genyk

Cheers: Carl Johnston


Break the Winter blahs and come to our next meeting, this Tuesday, 4th February, 2014 at the Cawthra Community center.
Here is a reminder from Elliot:
“I will be tying a few different patterns for the members. included in the presentation will be an easier method of tying my Hula Crease Frog and the Morrish Mouse. I will be also demo the glass bead buzzer as well as the Ice Wing Minnow.
Hope you can make it.

January Updates

(January 24th,2014)

The attendance was low at last Tuesday’s meeting, due to minus 20 degree nights that kept everyone at home.

The ask the expert session went well with a variety of questions ranging from how to perform the double haul to what knot is better than a Pitzen Knot being asked. Most of us (all except Pat Kelly) had never even heard of the knot in the first place. 

We also had a discussion on the Japanese system of fly fishing Tenkara where the line is tied directly to the rod tip. No reel is used and the method is similar to dapping. 

There was a heated discussion regarding dry fly fishing as well as an update on the MNR’s new proposed policy regarding brown trout in the Credit River.

Ray Desilets did an excellent job as moderator with the experts being replaced when they got stumped by a question. Peter Lore, Dimitri Ristic, Bob Kuehnbaum, Pat Kelly, George Genyk, Vel Spring all took a turn at being in the expert seat and my apologies if I missed anyone but for a while it looked like a game of musical chairs.

A good time was had by all and we bundled up to face the cold for the drive home happy to have gained a little more knowledge into the sport.

Elliot Deighton


(12th January, 2014)

On 7th January, Sean Deighton was the featured tier for the evening and entertained us with a mix of smallmouth bass and carp flies. He tied Murray’s hellgrammite, Pheasant Tail Dragon Nymph, Black and Blue Cactus Leech, and the Carp Crack flies……….read more.


December Updates

(19th December 2013)

Thanks to Derek and Warwick for their Restigouche River fishing trip review.

(We hear the constabulary are on the prowl for the perpetrators of the lost Burger King Crown).

Don Arthurs updated us on the MNR’s future proposals for down regulating Brown and Rainbow catches in the Credit River with the intent of supporting the populations of Atlantic Salmon and Brook trout. There will no doubt be much heated debate on the veracity and wisdom of this issue in the coming months.

On a lighter note, the Christmas Fly Competition was exceedingly well supported by the membership.

Thanks to all who brought in the Christmas goodies, and also a special nod to John Fox who won the second prize and contributed to the prize list. A special recognition goes to Chris Krysciak, a prospective budding new member who flashed into third place; first prize went to the President himself, Elliott, or his rendition of the “Nightmare Before Christmas”. ……..read more


(11th December 2013)

Club Meeting Tuesday 17th December, at 7:30 pm

In addition to all the fun and frivolity of the next Tuesday’s meeting, the IWFFC Atlantic salmon fishing team of Warwick Meadus, Derek Giles and Chris Day will feature a presentation of their very successful salmon trip at the Glen Eden Salmon Lodge on the Restigouche River, New Brunswick.
Here are some useful Atlantic Fly patterns:
Come and enjoy their presentation.
Also, bring some xmas goodies to share if you like, along with your Christmas Fly creation.

(4th December 2013)

Thanks to Chris Day for the demonstrations of the Blob, Sparkler, and OkeeDokee fly patterns:


The Blob

Hook: R90 Mustad (Wide Gape) Size 10

Body: Plush Fritz


The Sparkler

Hook: Mustad R90 Size 8 4x heavy

Body, Tail and Wing: Gold/silver Crystal Flash or similar.

Here is a useful link that you might be interested in. If you were really concentrating, you would have heard Chris also talk about the Foam Arse Blob

and here’s a link if you need to buy some Plush Fritz from Flymart.


November Updates

(28th November 2013)

Club member, Chris Day will be demonstrating fly tying at the next meeting. He  will be demonstrating some -UK Stillwater patterns such as Boobies,  blobs, humongous, sparklers, diawl bachs,  Commorants etc.


(20th November, 2013)

Thanks to Pat Kelly for the Furled Leader Demo. Pictures: here.

Here is Pat’s Excel Spreadsheet of Furled Leader Design Examples


(14th Nov 2013)

We are looking forward to hearing Pat Kelly’s demonstration on constructing furled leaders, at the next club meeting on Tuesday, 19th November at the Cawthra Community Center.
Elliott has promised that this time Pat will not be usurped by any club politics. So come and see how you can make your own leaders at a fraction of the cost of their store bought counterparts.
These leaders really do lay down very supply, and will enhance your fly presentations on the water.


Here is a note from Carl Johnston: 2014 Izaak Walton Flyfishing Hall at the Toronto Sportsmen Show 


The Show Dates are Feb 6 to 9, 2014

The Toronto Sportsmen Show (TSS) has arranged for a fly fishing oriented space featuring the casting lane, the Izaak Walton Club Booth and the ever popular Kids Tying.

Club Booth: We are now looking for some help to plan and organize the club booth. Traditionally the booth has been our point of contact for the public where we provide information about the club, meetings, conservation work and everything flyfishing. We have an excellent backdrop featuring some big fish and anglers. Last year we tried to sell some hats, pins and shirts with limited success, and we tried showing the fly tying cd’s, however the feedback was that we weren’t very interesting. This year we need some new ideas and people to make them happen. Some suggestions for previous years are as follows:

  • Large presentation of fly fishing video
  • Sale of more interesting items –new shirts, fly boxes etc
  • Speakers or other notable personalities

We are not limited to these idea, but rather they are presented to stimulate your creative juices.

Casting Lane:

Derek and Warrick will again be managing the Casting lanes and will be needing some assistance at the show, so if you’re interested in this please let us know. 


Kids Tie:

We will have 2 tables or approx 12 vices set up for kids tying. In the past we have focused on wooly worms, and last year the Popsickle was introduced, which proved quite popular. We have now or will have supplies and equipment to do any type of fly you think a young person would be interested in tying, at our last meeting we saw some easy applications of foam and rubber legs, which might to popular with the kids. We always need help at these tables so please consider spending some time at the vices. 


Volunteers will be reimbursed for parking/or transportation cost up to $14.00 per day. Volunteers will be given passes/badges to the show for the dates they have volunteered for.

Please contact Carl, or Warwick, or Derek.


(7th Nov, 2013)

That was a great evening with Rick Crawford on 5th Nov, 2013


He is a great raconteur, and has an obvious passion for tying and fishing foam flies.

So hold onto your foam sandals and foam door hangars, otherwise you’re goin’ ter see ’em floatin down the river.


His dissertation and demo also gave tips on presentation of the flies using his braided leader and 4 lb Maxima Chamelion tippet.

Thank you Rick; we really enjoyed you interactions with the club members, and we would be privileged to see you again in the near future. The Hamilton Fly Tiers are lucky to have you as one of their prime members.

The raffle was a great deal for all of the six winners, and the book sale raised another $135 for the club, thanks to the books donated by Don Moore.

All-in-all a great way to spend a Tuesday night.

See you all again at the next meeting on the 19th November

Message from Elliott:

At our next meeting on 5th November at 7:30 pm, we are pleased to feature a new  demonstrator to the IWFFC, Rick Crawford from the Hamilton and Area Fly  Fishers and Tyers. Rick, who has held several positions at the HAFFT  executive level, is a multi species fly fisher who makes a yearly pilgrimage to  the Bahamas for bonefish. His presentation to the IWFFC will focus on foam  terrestrial patterns for Western trout fishing but could also be used locally as  well.

Most of the executive and non elected positions within the  Club have been filled with the exception of  President and Program Chair.  Our entire last meeting was spent with the elections and discussing the  positions which are still not filled as well as the direction the Club wishes to  take. I will not go into what was discussed at this time as there are a few  issues still unsettled. I will say though that the President’s position is still  open and must be filled soon.
Elliott Deighton
Happy Halloween

We are still in the midst of getting a new executive formulated.
How to replace the irreplaceable?
A BIG, BIG, round of accolades to the retiring executive: Elliott, Bob, and Carl. They have steered the ship, and need some well earned down time.
It is with their big hearted and never faltering efforts that the club has maintained its stature. Thank you sooooo much guys.
We have a new vice president: congratulations to Ray Desilet.
Geoff McGregor will take over memberships. 
Carl Johnston is still looking for a replacement for his position as Treasurer.
Elliott Deighton has “worn his reel well into the backing” and would be delighted to hand over the reins to a new President.
I have been reading though some back issues of the club magazine, and it really is through the efforts of active participants that we have seen growth and development, along with wisdom and insights. There is so much history to our club, and there have been and still are a whole raft of members and ex members who have been exemplary in their activities and skills.
So please feel free to add your own expertise  by considering taking up any of the vacancies.

On our next meeting night, Tuesday October 15th we will be holding bi-annual elections for all three of the executive positions, President, Vice President and Treasurer. The present executive will not be seeking re-election so it is imperative that as many of you attend as possible and vote in a new team to carry the IWFFC forward. It’s time for a change. Again, I remind you all that this is your club not mine. Get involved and make a difference.  Pat Kelly has kindly agreed to demonstrate his technique for making three stranded furled leaders. After casting one of Pat’s leaders at our indoor casting class this spring, I was amazed at how effortlessly Pat’s leaders turn over, yet remained limp and with none of the memory coil that tapered mono possesses. Bring a pen and paper and take notes. This demo is bound to be an eye opener for many of us.

October Updates:

Next club meeting, Tuesday Oct 1st. 7:30pm at Cawthra Park Community Center

For our first  fly tying night of the season Terry Allen will be tying Intruder style flies for  your entertainment pleasure.

September updates:

It’s been a challenging Summer’s fishing, with the extreme heat and rainfall.

I apologize for the omission of a Fly of the Month for September; however I would like to share this 16 minute video that I took at the beginning of September.

We had an all too brief 3 day visit to the Bow River, Calgary: the scenery was stunning given the flood damage. The river is eminently fishable.

The Bow at sunset

The rainbows and a cutthroat trout were caught either by drifting a dry terrestrial fly tight to the river edge, or by upstream casting a size 20 trico to sipping trout rises.

Lodging was at North Bow Lodge with the owners, Michele and Stu Wheeler. Our fishing guide was Jason Eggleton from Country Pleasures Fly Shop.

Here is the link to the video:


We are looking forward to the fall and winter meetings. See you there.

David Williams

August updates:

Kudos to Pat Kelly for his enduring [ efforts with local kids and aspiring fly fishers. ]

See Sandeep’s submission for [ Fly of the month ]

Back issues of Single Haul are now [ online ]

The Lower Humber Marshes are a Provincially significant wetland complex within the City of Toronto.  Unfortunately, years of urbanization and human impact have degraded the marshes.

Come out and help Ontario Streams staff on Saturday June 22nd from 9am to noon to help remove Japanese Knotweed, a non-native invasive species from this important ecosystem.  Gloves and light refreshments will be provided.  Please wear long pants.  Directions can be found [ here.]  For more information and to register your participation, please contact Christine Pritchard at (905) 713-7399 (office), (416) 993.1646 (cell) or via email at christine.pritchard@ontariostreams.on.ca.

The CVC is looking for volunteers for their electro fishing  program this summer. Here’s a chance to see some of those fish you can’t  catch. [ More Info ]


 Elliott Deighton
 President IWFFC
—– Here is the list of the CVC  Volunteer Electrofishing days for this season. If you or your staff/group  members are interested in attending please [ sign-up online.]

 Hope to see you on the river,   Phil Bird, Fisheries Technician, Credit Valley Conservation

  • (905) 670-1615  x503
  • (416) 896-7357  (cell)

pbird@creditvalleyca.ca www.creditvalleyca.ca

Please remember that July 20, 2013 is [ Credit River Watershed Day.] The date is somewhat flexible, since it  has to be dry for a couple of days before the event. Contact [ Lindsey Jennings ] of [ Credit Valley Conservation Authority.]

Here is a further contribution from Curtis Smith.

Anticipate Curtis’ membership dues will be increased next year!

Click on the cartoon to see the detail.

(ed note: For the benefit of non members the guy ca

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